Vierailevana DJ:nä Andy F Oulusta.
Andy F saapuu Sound Factory Bar & Nightclub yökerhoon lauantaina 3.7.2021 ja soittaa pitkän kolmen tunnin setin.
* Andy F (LaavU, Hypno, HUG Oulu)
* Oodeej / Sound Factory Resident DJ (Dream Team Entertainment)
– Ovet ravintolan sisätiloihin tiloihin avataan jo aiemmin
– Kesäterassi myös auki säävarauksella
– Ikäraja ravintolan sisälle ja terassille 18 vuotta.
– Musiikin tyyli illan aikana House / Techno / Progressive Trance / Psytrance / Hardstyle / Hardcore sekä muu tapahtuman teemaan sopiva elektroninen tanssimusiikki.
– Myynnissä myös alkoholitonta olutta ja virvoitusjuomia sekä energiajuomia
Set times / alustavat soittoajat tarkentuvat lähempänä ajankohtaa.
Pääsymaksu 5 €. Ikäraja 18 vuotta.
Dj Andy F is best known for his fast, hard hitting energetic sounds, combined with ability to blend and mix different genres together seamlessly, creating sets that have impressed many audiences along the way. He started his career in 2010, and thanks to his passion towards music and DJ’ing, he quickly gained more and more gigs, and established his name as one of the most promising Dj’s in Northern Finland. Over the years he has also won several mixtape competitions. The most notable must be when the famous hard dance maestro Dj Fausto chose Andy’s mixtape to be played in his radio show, aired by the world’s biggest hard dance organization Q-DANCE.
In his career Andy F has already played all around Finland and had an honour to play at some of the most legendary clubs and events that Finland has ever seen like SÄDE, KOSMOS, INNOWATION and most recently festivals like UTOPIA and HELZINKI HARDSTYLE FESTIVAL just to name few. But it’s not just hard dance Andy is known for, thanks to his diversity and love towards all electronic music, you can find him playing in many different events. Sometimes he’s spinning melodic techno at fancy clubs, the next day it’s full on trance at some local underground event. Nowadays Andy is one of the most influential DJ’s in Northern Finland, hosting his own club nights and pushing the scene forward.
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Sound Factory Bar & Nightclub yökerhossa näiden leveysasteiden järein klubin äänentoistolaitteisto, joka sopii erinomaisesti juuri tämän tapahtuman musiikille. Tule kuuntelemaan, yllätyt taatusti positiivisesti!
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